Overwhelmed Team?

THE STUDIO is where you & your team can learn to thrive together.

Imagine a space where you and your team not only thrive professionally, but grow personally.

We'll help you build a culture of connection and genuine well-being.


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Improve Team Culture & Productivity

It's time for a change — shift to a life of emotional strength, resilience, and calm.

In THE STUDIO you will find exercises, group classes, personal coaches, and a community of support just like at your local gym... but built for your emotions.

The Studio delivers an experience that is proven to work.

The Key to a Healthier, Happier Workforce

Emotional well-being is the cornerstone of a productive, innovative, and happy team. Emotionally fit employees are more resilient, communicate better, and can cope with stress more effectively.

The Studio offers emotional exercises and team sprints that take only minutes a day, helping you to nurture emotional health in the workplace and turn everyday challenges into opportunities for growth.

Join our Beta Crew

If you're looking for... 

  • Superior Team Dynamics
    Strengthen the backbone of your organization with improved communication, empathy, trust and understanding among team members.
  • Improved Productivity
    A mentally fit team is a high-performing team. Watch productivity soar as we tackle stress and burnout head-on.
  • Reduced Overwhelm
    Empower your team to set healthy boundaries and approach work with a clear mind. 
  • Increased Innovation
    When you elevate self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem, you create more innovation, connection and better emotional fitness within your team. 

... We have solutions. 

See What The Studio Has to Offer

Not only do we work with you & your team, we've opened the gym for your emotions to everyone.

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